Tensor Rings and harmonizer

You can play 528 Hz Music, For Healing and DNA Repairing by Silent Rythm.

What are Tensor Rings?

Tensor-Ring are an infinite source of energy, which is neither electric nor magnetic. The energy produced by the Tensor rings is healing for all life forms on earth.

Tensor ring are made in specific, precise sizes, measured by the example of Cubit sizes. Different ring has different abilities. We put few different Tensor rings in our Orgonite, and all that depends what are we going to use that Orgonite for. 

Lost Cubit 177mhz frequency.


  • is a lot stronger than the Sacred Cubit.
  • a horizontal energy.
  • very good for schools.
  • balanced feminine and masculine energy.
  • helps bring the brain in balance.
  • this frequency mainly works on the mental, emotional and ethereal aspects of life.
  • has a calming and soothing effect.
  • works well against pain.
  • nice to meditate with.
  • element earth and aether.
  • works on the third, fourth and sixth chakra’s.
  • works perfectly against a polluted environment.
  • Good for plants.
  • works very well with the Sacred Cubit and with the Lost Cubit.

RA-MU Cubit 404mhz frequency.

  • vertical energy, creating an endless and unbreakable torus energy field. It clears all PASTS, PRESENTS and FUTURES in many dimensions, inter-dimensions.
  • original Aryan DNA frequency, from 1st ones on Earth.
  • Ra-Mu activates the 12 Strand DNA sequence.
  • Ra-Mu brings you back to your True ESSENCE.
  • RA-MU frequency is part of Lemuria, the birth of mankind.
  • Embodies the Divine Masculine energy.
  • Helps in contact with the invisible, spiritual guides, guardians, angels, earth elements.
  • fire element.
  • Perfect for channel healers: one ring or a tensor field generator on the head connects you with the speed and power of a thunder ray of light activating you to work in a blink of an eye!
  • Cannot be used as a straight line cubit.
  • Works well with Viking Cubit.

What Cubit size of Tensor Rings are we using?

Sacred Cubit 144mhz frequency.

This frequency mainly works on the physical and aspects of life.

  • has a vertical energy field.
  • works well against pain.
  • helps with grounding.
  • Works perfectly against a polluted environment.
  • helps materialize ideas, attracts abundance.
  • female energy.
  • elements of earth and water.
  • works on the fourth chakra.
  • works well at eliminating unhealthy energy fields (such as the Hartmann grid, Curry grid).
  • neutralize wifi radiation.
  • connects beings with the earth.
  • works very well with the Lost Cubit and the Empowerment cubit. Small pendant rings are very good for children and animals.

Empowerment Cubit 188mhz frequency.

  • mainly works on the inner and invisible aspects of life.
  • helps to come into your power.
  • helps with the descaling of the pineal gland.
  • female energy.
  • Essential for healing therapies.
  • The most powerful of these three Cubit sizes.
  • Helps in contact with the invisible, spiritual guides, guardians, angels, earth elements.
  • fire element.
  • works on the third, fifth and sixth chakra.
  • perfect for people who use their voice a lot, such as singers, teachers, public speakers.
  • may not be worn on its own (chain hanger), only in combination with the Lost or Sacred Cubit. From the size of the Travel Harmonizer or in the form of a Tensor Ring, this Cubit is possible on its own.
  • Works perfectly with the Lost and Sacred Cubit.

The Viking Cubit 443mhz frequency.


  • femine energy.
  • subtle, gentle energy.
  • carying secret spark of life.
  • energy like white, light pink yellow beam that has no beginning and no end.
  • constant infinite flow.
  • good for sleeping.
  • good for emotional disorders.
  • works well against pain.
  • good for muscle disorders.
  • great results against tooth pain.
  • water element
  • works on 1st, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras.
  • can be used as a straight line cubit.
  • Works well with RA-MU Cubit.

What is Harmonizer?

A Harmonizer consists of six Tensor Rings or eight Tensor Rings arranged in a geometric pattern with in the middle a Tensor coil (acuvac coil) creating a large torus Tensor field, which covers the whole house and is also far beyond house.

Harmonizers are used with great success to neutralize the effects of radio masts on people, animals, plants and the environment.
They also ensure that the oxygen content and the quality of the air we breathe is improved.
The influence of the emotions emitted by people and mental energy is also reduced, with a demonstrable reduction of stress. The physical and mental capacity (durability) increases noticeably. The well-being and joy of living are increased by the influence of the Harmonizers.
In the event of a thunderstorm the Harmonizer neutralises the negative electrical charge on humans and animals. The burden of computer radiation (Wi-Fi), telephones and microwave ovens is also considerably reduced.
In agriculture they are used to increase productivity and improve quality.

What exactly does a harmonizer do?

A Harmonizer creates a spinning torus field around itself (such as the electromagnetic field of the earth, or our personal electromagnetic field).The strength and size of the torus field is determined by the size of the Harmonizer and the thickness of the material used (tinned copper wire and or sterling silver).
All non-harmonic energies / frequencies that come within the torus field of the Harmonizer are converted into the harmonic energies / frequencies produced by the Harmonizer. Making the life energy field come and stay in optimal vibration, resulting in a clean and healthy living environment.

Personal use

A Harmonizer is much more than just a few pieces of copper soldered together.
It is a spirit, it has consciousness. It is a connection to the universe.
You can simply set up the Harmonizer and have it do its cleaning work, but you can also work with a deeper awareness.
This means that the Harmonizers work best when they receive an assignment (focus). What do you want the Harmonizer to do for you?
For example, you can meditate with the Harmonizer and instruct the Harmonizer to focus on a specific painful area.
What the Harmonizer does then is withdrawing his Tensor field and bundling all his energy and focusing on the designated pain place to accelerate the healing process.
But you can also instruct the Harmonizer to fully focus on keeping you and your environment of electromagnetic radiation clean.

How can we use Tensor Rings?

In case of abdominal pain, place a ring on the stomach.

Put a ring on the head in case of headaches.

In the case of joint pain, place a ring over the painful joints.

Stimulate plant growth by placing a ring around the plant.

A ring under the pillow or under the bed for a better night's sleep.

There is the possibility to put rings around the tap or water pipe.

Wear them as bracelets.

Tensor rings that are put in Orgonites have enhanced effect on surroundings.

Use tensor rings to structure water.

Wear Combination of tensor rings as necklace pendant.