You can play 528 Hz Music, For Healing and DNA Repairing by Silent Rythm.

Basic instructions how to use Orgonites

Congratulations on buying Ogrone generator (Orgonite) from Orgone Creation. With this you prove that you care about yourself, your home your family and your surroundings. These instructions apply to all of our products. About more details for specific piece of our products you will need to read more on our site: or call us.

Orgonite Pyramids conduct and filter energies and frequencies mainly through natural resins, sediments, stones, and crystals. When you first receive or start working with your own Orgonite it is important to cleanse it so that you know other energies that are not your own are not being conducted through it. Also, over time it is important to cleanse and reactivate your Orgonite Pyramid as a general housekeeping to not keep any stagnant or old energies gathered over time to be filtering through.

All our products are made with positive intentions, charged with positive frequencies. Next steps are for you to do to improve effectiveness of your Orgonites.

Cleansing of Orgonites

Devices made of orgonite have a long lifespan. To keep Orgonite working effectively, you must take care of it. You have few methods to cleanse your Orgonite:
Running water Put your Orgonite in a running water, we recommend finding somewhere in nature: a river, stream, or waterfall. Most important is that the water is moving! Leave your Orgonite fully immersed (best) or partially immersed in the moving water for a few hours or as long as feels appropriate. If you don’t have running water near your place of living, clean it under water faucet at your home.

Sound Healing Orgonites can be healed and cleaned with sound. You can heal Orgonite with Sound bowl but if you don’t have one you can use etherical sounds, sound bells, tuning forks, or classical music.

Smoke Cleansing Smoke is one of the fastest ways to cleanse and activate your Orgonite. Working with the element of fire (which burns away all that does not serve) combined with the metaphysical and cleansing properties from smudging plants such as Sage, Cedar, Lavender, Frankincense, or some others is a rapid sure fire way to cleanse your Orgonite. Light up your smudger of choice and fully immerse your Orgonite Pyramid in the array of smoke. This only takes a few moments, repeat as often as your intuition guides you or each time you work with your Orgonite.

Sand Cleansing After smoke cleansing, you place Orgonite in the bowl of sand to catch any falling ashes. Leave it there overnight. When you are ready use your orgonite.

Activating and charging of Orgonites

After Cleansing you should or need to Activate and Charge your Orgonite.

Activating with intentions Tune into and connect with your crystal. Тwo very simple ways to do this are to hold the Pyramid close to your heart and mindfully connect, or to envision an infinity sign between the crystal and your heart.

It’s all about presence and intention. When applying any of these methods, set an intention and stay centered in it Simply put it is “what you intend to happen” or in what is your goal that Orgonite needs to do for you. Keep your intention rooted from your heart! The crystal will assist you as long as it is in alignment with your highest and best, with no harm to anyone else.

Sunlight Activation and ChargingSunlight is an extremely powerful way to activate or charge your Orgonite. The Sun’s potent energy and force gets absorbed into the Orgonite and is retained within. Find an intentional place to place your Orgonite in full sun! We recommend allowing a half or full day for the power of the sun to activate or charge your Orgonite.

Activation and Charging / Cleansing under the Full MoonThe potent energy of the full moon is a great way to activate and cleanse your Orgonite. Astrologically, when the Moon is full, the energy of the Moon is by far the strongest. Place your Orgonite Pyramid outside, being placed on the earth is best. If you prefer to keep it in doors, place it by your windows inside under the Moonlight. Set an intention and leave it for the night.

*An important side note: the Orgonites that we make are not designed to be left outside for any great lengths of time because we use an environmentally-friendly resin that doesn’t do well in harsh weather.

Use and Maintenance of Your Orgonite

When cleaning your Orgonite, don’t use any solution for cleaning, because resin may be damaged. Clean them with Microfiber Cloth and water.

People sleep better with Orgonites. but where the pyramid is placed at night is a very individual thing. There are very psychic and energetically sensitive people who loves their pyramids, including how it affects their sleep. If the energy is too strong to have it in bedroom at night, move it to another room —still benefiting from it but with the buffer zone that is needed. Other people like to sleep with their pyramid very close to their beds. Best spot for placing Pyramid is close to biggest source of EMF. When placing Pyramid, it needs approximately 40 days to settle and to synchronize with other Orgonites that you have in your surroundings and Orgonites make synchronized protecting field around them.
Same thing is with Orgonite Pendants. You can wear them while you sleep. Some people are more sensitive, can sense and feel Orgonite energy, and they cannot sleep with their pendants. That is not a problem, it is a proof that pendant has effect on them and gives them more strength and power. Put Orgonite somewhere and wear it in the morning.

When using Orgonite for healing, pain relief purposes, put them close to the painful spot or on it. Same with wearing Orgonites, best effects are when Orgonites are touching your skin.

When you are using Orgonites to clean the air and as a Negative Ions Generators*, put them over or under a dish or plate filled with water and salt (Himalayan salt is preferred). Orgonites will clean the air and produce small amount of negative ION’s in the process of cleaning the air in your room.
* Orgonites are not ION Generators, don’t mix them with some products that are made to produce negative ION’s.

When using your Orgonite Water Charger/Coaster for charging/structuring water, put your Glass, Bottle, Jar, Jug on it and let it charge/structure your water. Тhe more it stays on it better quality of water you get. Preferable time is 2 hours.

When using your Orgonite Water Charger/Coaster for cleaning products from toxins, put fruits or vegetables in a bowl of water. Depending on how big bowl is, put couple of teaspoons of Baking Soda, and let them stay and soak in it at least 15 min. How long products can stay on Orgonite Cоастер depends of what sort of product it is (some are more porous and can swell and be spoiled and they don’t need to stay more than 5 min). You can add some vinegar (Apple vinegar is preferred) for washing fruits and vegetables.

When using Orgonites for plant growth, place them near the plant that you want to enhance. Orgonites can help Plant’s growth.


Again, thank you for buying our products, we hope that our products will improve your life, wellbeing and your surroundings. Please visit our site more often for more info, we will update all our findings and test results as we do them.

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