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What are Orgonites?

Basic Definition:
Orgonites are devices that are made of metal shavings, resin, and quartz crystals in precisely defined proportions. They are poured into molds that can take many forms: pyramids, cups, pendants, tower busters, pocket orgonites, coasters for water (water chargers).

Orgonite is the combination of inorganic and organic materials along with the inclusion of quartz crystal/s in order to create an energy transmutation device that attracts Orgone Energy (life-force energy/Qi/Chi/Prana/The Force), extracts negative energy and transmutes the negative energy into positive energy. An Orgonite device does not need any form of external power because it is continuously self-driven.  It is the inclusion of quartz crystals that as the resin (which encases the other materials) hardens it presses upon the quartz creating a piezoelectric effect that polarises the ends of the crystal/s inside.

Materials Embedded in Orgonites

Resin: The binding agent that represents the solidifying force of nature and provides a sturdy foundation for the pyramid’s energy is resin. Its organic properties allow natural materials to be integrated into the pyramid’s design.

Metals Shavings: Metals known for their conductive properties are also important and necessary. Metals have been associated with energy flow for a long time. They act as a powerful antenna that channels and amplifies life force energy within the pyramid.

Crystals: Crystals are another critical component, as they have been used for centuries due to their healing powers. In Orgonites, crystals act as energy transmitters that enhance the energy output. Different crystals can target specific body areas or promote particular healing properties.

Copper Coil: Copper is a highly conductive material that enhances the conductivity and helps create a strong, energetic field. Its shape also symbolizes the cyclical nature of energy flow, contributing to the orgonite overall design.

Symbolic Items: Symbolic items can be incorporated, sacred geometry, runic symbols, or chakra symbols, religious symbols, into the orgonite design. It adds intention and meaning to its energetic properties. Each character carries its unique significance, promoting balance and harmony in the pyramid’s energy field.

Color Pigments: Energy output can also be influenced with color pigments by adding different colors to the resin. This can promote specific healing properties and intentions based on color psychology.

Quartz Crystal Points: A Quartz crystal is a powerful conductor of energy that can amplify the energy flow and enhance orgonite healing properties when placed at the top. For example, the pyramid’s design emphasizes upward energy flow, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Essential oils: Essential oils can add an extra layer of intention and healing properties to the pyramid’s energy when infused into the resin. Each oil carries unique healing properties that promote physical and emotional well-being.

Health Benefits

A fair amount of research has been done on this topic and it is thought that these invisible areas of energy, or radiation, could cause anything from mood disorders to brain tumours.

Many people believe that placing orgonite around the home or office can strengthen the body’s energy field against this negative man-made energy.

Makes us Feel Better-Orgone energy has the ability to heal us mentally and physically and help us feel better. The negative thoughts and feelings inside us will be converted to positive energy and force, thereby benefiting our life.

Promotes Better Sleep-One of the most common health conditions of the modern days is insomnia or sleep deprivation. Work pressure, busy lifestyle, etc. adds to stress in mind and lack of sleep. Orgonite pyramids, Orgonite Pendants, and other Orgonites help calm the mind and instill a sense of peace and serenity. It helps in promoting better sleep.

Those who have tried it report improved sleep and general wellbeing, more balanced moods and a positive outlook. Research shows it could even boost your immune system.

Many people report that wearing Orgonite pendant or pocket Orgonite helps them with many illnesses like, headaches, migraines, fatigue, anxiety, asthma, depression, pain in muscles, joints and bones if they apply Orgonite over the spot where healing is needed.

Orgonites can help with resistance to ill health or to improve it.

Implementing Stones, Crystals, Symbols, Colors, and other technologies in Orgonites, such as Tensor rings, Lakhowsky MWO, SBB Coils, Triskelion and more others can improve and amplify strength of Orgonites and add many benefits to them.

Other Benefits

Orgonites bring many benefits to environment, people, animals, plants.
They can:

Revitalize cells.

Accelerate plant growth, and act positively on animals.

Help with spiritual and psychological growth, awake spiritual awareness and love for yourself and loved ones.

Create a healthy atmosphere with incredible energy.

Relieve Stress, Act Anti-stress, and allow calmer, happier and balanced mood.

Release body from toxins, parasites, promote quick healing and raise immunity.

Produce Negative IONS and Clean the Air doing so.

Calm emotionally, help overcoming depression, grief and fears.

Change the strength of the color of aura, and balance energy centers, repair energy flow.

Protect against negative energy from others.

Reduces hyperactivity in children.

Encourage creativity.

Improve memory ability and quick learning.

Increase productivity in the working environment.

Charge / Energize Water